getting older (but not growing any taller)
it’s my birthday tomorrow, and i’ve actually been looking forward to it for quite a while. i guess a part of me had thought that the transition from being 21 to being 22 would have some profound effect on me, but not surprisingly, i don’t really feel any different now. except maybe that i feel kind of sick, which i don’t think i’ve ever been on my birthday.
anyway, because i’ve been packing my things relentlessly over the last two weeks, i’ve discovered a whole bunch of previously-lost items mixed in with all my other junk. and i was always happy to find an old photograph here and there, as every single one of them brought such unshakeable nostalgia.
and since birthdays sort of make you look back — and for some, reflect — on your life, i thought i’d share with you some of my childhood pictures (so it’s really more of the looking back than the reflecting). i chose only a handful of mostly me-as-a-toddler photos because those of the ‘older me’ are really more embarrassing to look at.

i think i am about 6 years old in this photo, and that is my school uniform. it was pretty much what i wore from kindergarten up until i finished high school (not the exact same one, obviously).
“the great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been.” – madeleine l’engle
March 26, 2008 at 2:53 am
You’re adorable in all of those pictures, I especially like the little sailor girl 🙂
Happy birthday!!!
March 26, 2008 at 2:30 pm
happy birthday!
May 3, 2008 at 10:28 pm
hi 🙂 loove ur blog! smcqc ka db? what batch ka ng hs? hehe. ako 2004
August 16, 2008 at 9:16 pm
OMG! I just discovered your blog tonight (via Come Thrifting with Me), and I just had to comment when I saw this whilst going through the archives. So apparently we went to the same elementary school (I wore that same uniform, heh), and right now I’m in UP 🙂
Anyway, I may already be sounding stalkerish, so allow me to finish up this comment by telling you that you have a wonderful blog—and I can totally relate!