It’s cold outside.
i’ve been loving my nightly walk home from work these last couple of weeks. there is an undeniable cool breeze that just makes my heart swell…
pullover – c/o thrift bar
laceup heels – pairisian (completely obsessed with these)
bowler hat – sm
thank you for all your kind words on my last outfit post; i’m super flattered! my photo also made it to the front page of chictopia – which is always an amazing thing.
December 16, 2010 at 12:21 pm
you deserve it bestie! maganda as always 🙂
Melai of Style and Soul
December 16, 2010 at 1:46 pm
Love the layout change Bestie! I think it suits your style more 🙂 You look so good in red lips! You should try it more and that sweater of yours is so intriguing and unique! Congrats on making it to the cover of Chictopia! I didn't get to comment on that post, but from the looks of it, it is one of your best outfits ever with the yellow and the blue <3
December 16, 2010 at 2:33 pm
Loving the outfit post! Very cool top 😉
December 16, 2010 at 2:42 pm
i love your pullover.and yes,i'm obsessed with almost all of the parisian shoes right now. it's hoarding time yet again! haha
December 16, 2010 at 3:04 pm
love the top!
btw, great banner 🙂
December 16, 2010 at 3:28 pm
love the black and white frontal pic! 🙂 mu-mu-mowdel! Naks 😀 mwah mwah mwah
December 16, 2010 at 3:30 pm
love the sweater & shoes!!! 🙂
December 16, 2010 at 5:23 pm
The hat suits you SO WELL !! Its amazing, I love it!
December 16, 2010 at 5:46 pm
I super love your shoes!!! And congratulations!
December 16, 2010 at 5:47 pm
The hat and jumper are lovely dearest, you look fabulous ♥
*following your blog*
Eda ♥
December 16, 2010 at 9:15 pm
congrats! amazing photo!!! i just bumped into your blog and i loooooove it!
xoxo from rome
December 16, 2010 at 9:21 pm
the shoes are killer. it's so hypnotic!
December 16, 2010 at 10:20 pm
amazing outfit! =)
December 16, 2010 at 11:02 pm
That sweater is TDF. I die.
December 17, 2010 at 1:33 am
Love this outfit and the rest of your blog! 🙂
December 17, 2010 at 2:38 am
teh blooming ka!=D love this look Bestie! Let's have a little ukay get together soon. We're also brewing a bloggers project sali ka!:) Cu soon!=D
December 17, 2010 at 2:39 am
The new header is kawaii! Cute.
December 17, 2010 at 5:06 am
That sweater is amazing.
P.S. Please stop by my blog – I am hosting an amazing EmersonMade Giveaway, just in time for the holidays.
December 17, 2010 at 9:33 am
Looking fab as always! 🙂 Great outfit, dear! ^_^
December 17, 2010 at 12:38 pm
aaahhh love!!!! that sweater is lush!! loving the new layout btw! 😀
Animated Confessions
December 29, 2010 at 6:55 am
Very Beautiful.