Mint Over Moss
photos by john
these days i update my blog pretty much on a day-to-day basis; meaning, the pictures i post are more or less taken on the same day, and not a documented set of what i wore last week or so. i used to be able to accumulate a handful of outfit posts and schedule them ahead of time, but that’s a practice i haven’t done in quite a while. it’s definitely easier to have back-up posts on hand in case something comes up and i can’t update in real time — but i’ll admit it’s been interesting doing these daily posts just like the old days of blogging…
sweater – thrifted
skirt – sm
purse – thrifted
flats – c/o hebe manila
necklace – c/o palette pursuit
June 25, 2013 at 10:07 pm
I hear you. Having a queue of posts to be posted on “schedule” makes blogging less spontaneous somehow. Gone were the days when someone posts just because he or she wants to. Blogging became more job-like perhaps?