The Hearts We Leave Behind
photos by john
i feel like i have been in a state of sartorial limbo these last few months, going back and forth between style genres and favorite items that i fall in love with one day and then forget about the next. i always thought it was still part of my “playing dress-up” mantra — in some ways, i suppose it is — but now i am beginning to think i am at a crossroads with my fashion persona. it’s not that i have grown tired of my usual style/s, but rather the constant shifts in my overall lifestyle (also, turning older) seem to bring along some major adjustments in my sartorial choices as well. for the most part i do still feel like “me” when donning these new ensemble variations, but getting dressed day-to-day is truly getting a tad confusing for fickle old me…
shirt – romwe
skirt – romwe
satchel, loafers – thrifted
April 23, 2014 at 12:24 am
I share the same sentiment nowadays. This (a little bit over) quarter life crisis (?) really gets to you, no? :p
April 23, 2014 at 12:26 am
somewhat! x