Sunday Survey – And Some Awesome Giveaways!
i was tagged by scarlet april to answer another survey! and since i am waaay behind with uploading outfit pics i shall succumb to it on this slow, sleepy sunday. this survey’s pretty cool though cause you get to modify the questions once you pass them onto others. but here are my answers to hers:
1. what do you do for a living? i am a news reporter.

(the picture above shows several members of the media staked-out in front of the president-elect’s house)
2. what is your blog name and why? i named my blog “the capricious club” because i felt capricious summed up my personal style: constantly changing, evolving. unpredictable. i just added the club for phonetic purposes: i liked how they sounded together! haha.
3. if you could raid one’s closet, whose closet would it be and why? zooey deschanel and alexa chung’s for all their pretty things, karla deras’ for her vintage blazers, jane aldridge’s for her sea of shoes (get it? get it?) and mariel rodriguez’!

4. what is your favorite movie? i have so many! some of my most-watched are the sound of music, the american president and you’ve got mail (i’m a total sucker for cheesy romantic comedies…and meg ryan!). but really, i’ve got like a million other favorites.

5. who is your style icon? my mom! she is fabulous and is not afraid to be different.
6. why did you start blogging? well, i started getting involved in the online fashion community through wardrobe_remix. that was awesome of course, but then it came to a point when i wanted to share more – not just pictures of my outfits but the stories that come with them as well. and i wanted to be part of a bigger community of fashion-addicts. hah.

7. your own fashion style? like i said, it’s constantly changing, sometimes on a daily basis! but i suppose i always like to stand out — as cliché as that sounds.
8. where do you usually shop? ukay-ukays (thrift shops), mostly. but i also like zara, topshop, mango…the usual stores. i love scouring department stores, too, for hidden gems.
now here are my 8 questions (with some of the old ones retained):
1. what do you do?
2. what did you name your blog and why?
3. why did you start blogging?
4. whose closet would you like to raid?
5. what trend are you loving right now?
6. where do you like to shop?
7. are you an impulsive buyer or do you like to think about it?
8. how has your style evolved in the last few years, if at all?
and i tag 8 people:
jasmine of transient withdrawal
kristy of monochromachic
mel of curious mel
hope of simply hope
kookie of death by platforms
pauline of paulinabelle
jess of lack of creativity
robyn of twitch vintage
on a different note… have you guys checked out sybil’s awesome GIVEAWAY on her blog, animated confessions? you can win a £50 voucher from daniel footwear! isn’t that just fab? 😀
and the lovely lauren of blooming leopold just celebrated her blog’s first anniversary! congrats lauren! (: and as a thank you to her readers she’s offering the most wonderful sewing package as a giveaway! it’s full of pretty vintage fabrics, patterns and lots of bits and bobs thrown in. do check it out!
will be back tomorrow with something more sensible, i promise. love lots. xo