Bringing Only Good Vibes
photos by john
i am finally getting around to posting these pictures, which were taken weeks ago before the MYOH 2015 event. it’s not just my usual bout of laziness that led to this much delay: this set of photos is the last i have with my purple hair, which made me procrastinate posting quite a bit. if you’ve been following my [newly instated] weekly vlogs, or was present at bloggers united 9, you would have already seen my new dark hair. while i am extremely happy with my current look, seeing these photos with the pastel tresses kills me a little inside!
however i do have another outfit post coming this week where you will still see me with colored hair. i went pink for a few days before going back to brown, which i wasn’t entirely crazy about, but i still managed to catch on camera once!
‘good vibes’ tee – giordano
polka dot skirt – old, similar here (and here for white version)
wedges – mario d’ boro
tote bag – old navy
bandana headband – f21